Tuesday, October 30, 2007

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

Since Winston's favorite hobby seems to be sleeping, an entry on the topic seems germane.

No one has actually counted the number of hours that Winston spends sleeping, but unless he has figured out a way to tunnel out of his crate at night ala Hogan's Heros (wouldn't suprise me much), it is significant! He generally prefers to sleep on the family room floor, preferably with something that belongs to his Boy. In a pinch, the kitchen floor is good too, particularly in the middle of whatever traffic route is currently most in use.

Winston picks a particular position for the nap, and most of the time stays with it through out (unless rudely awakened for some reason, say a touchdown on tv). While most of the time the position is fairly usual in a dog, say Nap Position #1:

or Nap Position #2:

Other positions are more, shall we say creative? Such as Nap Position #5:

and the "in crate" variant of position #5 that results from the more limited space:

We believe that these more creative positions are related to his love of having his belly rubbed. He hopes that while he is napping, someone will jsut stop by and give him a quick belly rub, and he wants to be ready so he doen't miss it. Even a good nap takes second place to a belly rub!

In a related note, we saw a "Life is Good" T-shirt at our local outdoor store Trail House (Market Street in downtown Frederick) that showed a a boy with a yellow dog laying on it's back at the boy's feet. The caption said "Sunny side up!" AS a result, we are trying to teach Winston to roll over on his back at the command "Sunny side up", but so far we have met with limited success.

Anyway, to top off the sleeping stuff, Winston snores worse than anyone else in the family! So badly in fact that Mom cannot sleep in the same room with him, and we have discussed changing his name to Chainsaw! Ah well, such are joys of dog ownership.

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